Monday, September 23, 2013

MAC Haul

brown thomas

I let myself make 2 trips to MAC last month. I was well behaved the first day, however my second trip went slightly out of hand! My nearest MAC counter is located in Brown Thomas. I adore the shopping bags from BTs.

brown thomas bagbrown thomas shopping mac
What's inside!?

brown thomas
Inside of the BT bag

MAC Haul makeup

My collective haul. I picked up for myself a Sheertone Shimmer blush, 2 lipsticks (one matte and one amplfied creme), a lip pencil, a Mineralise Skinfinish powder and a Studio Fix foundation.
MAC Haul makeup

What I picked up the second day. All because I wanted to buy something from MAC. I was on my holidays after all! I think I'm a salespersons dream. 'Hmm, I don't need it but I might need it in the future.' Total impulse shopper!

Reviews are (hopefully) on the way. I'm in the middle of typing one up now :) What are your favourite MAC products? What else do I need to buy?


  1. Oh man, I get paid on Wednesday, must resist the pretties!

    You picked up some really nice stuff, have fun playing with it! :)

    1. Oh I will! Some of this has fast made it's way into my favourites already! :) It's impossible to resist MAC!! x

  2. Can't wait to see a review, I'm nowhere near a MAC counter thankfully! x

    1. Just waiting on one more photo to finish my first review. Lighting is bad when I come home in the evenings. Damn A/W :( And I wish I was nowhere near one. It's too convenient!!x
